Tips to Develop Your Brand + FREE Branding Worksheet

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Branding is such a buzz word right now and rightfully so. We have more access to reach our communities and customers than ever before, but it’s important to understand who we are as a brand, and what we are offering so that we are connecting with the right tribe! I recently read the book Building Your Story Brand by Donald Miller, and I highly recommend it to anyone thinking through branding or rebranding. I literally listened to the entire book in one day on Audible. It was that good. Some of my top takeaways from the book are included in my first tip:


  1. The customer should be the hero of your story, not your brand. Position yourself as the guide, not the hero.

  2. Here are a few questions people will likely ask when visiting your website:

    1. What do you offer?

    2. How will it make my life better?

    3. What do I need to do to buy it?

  3. Customers trust a guide who has a plan of action laid out that they can take.

  4. Everybody wants to be taken somewhere. Never assume a customer knows how your brand can change their lives.

  5. Clarify your message. Start with one simple desire that is relevant to their survival (economic and / or social resource). If a consumer is confused they will leave your website without taking action.

There are SO many other nuggets of gold in this book along with resources to help you clarify your message. He also lays out specifics about what your website needs for optimal clarity and conversion.


It’s important to have consistent colors and fonts when creating content for your brand. This will help with brand recognition and association. Work with a designer to select a color palette and textures that represent your brand well. Stick to these when creating graphics, downloads, pdfs, etc…


Once you have selected a clear message and visual brand, stay consistent and connected to your audience / community. As you grow be attentive and listen to the needs of your customers. What are their pain points? How can you make their lives better? Show up for your community consistently, listen to them, and serve them well. A quote from Building Your Story Brand that stuck with me was -

The day we stop losing sleep over the success of our business and start losing sleep over the success of our customers is the day our business will start growing again.
— Donald Miller

If you would like help clarifying your message let us know! We would love to walk you through the branding process. If you already have an established brand we can audit your current website and branding as well. GET IN TOUCH

I created this FREE Branding Worksheet so you can process and clarify your message today!

Hope this was helpful!

xo Bethany